Download TimeScale Creator


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1. TimeScale Creator, version 8.1 (.jar or .exe file, 35 Mb; released Jan. 2021). The age model for version 8.0 and later is from the "Geologic Time Scale 2020" by F.M. Gradstein, J.G. Ogg, M.D. Schmitz, G.M. Ogg (Elsevier, 2020).

This program requires Java version 8 or later, which you can download from ( here for a guide to update Java. You can also use opensource Java.

The HELP menu includes QuickStart guide, a Tour, a Features summary, and License information.

To run the program, double click on the TSCreator file.  It may take a few seconds to initially start up, please be patient.  See our FAQ page for some problems reported by users (especially methods to stop Windows from being smarter than we are).  Please give us feedback!


2. TimeScale Creator, version 7.4 (.jar or .exe file, 35 Mb; released July 2019). The age model for version 7.0 and later is from "A Concise Geologic Time Scale 2016" by J.G. Ogg, G.M. Ogg and F.M. Gradstein (Elsevier, 2016).

This program requires Java version 8 or later, which you can download from ( here for a guide to update Java.

The HELP menu includes QuickStart guide, a Tour, a Features summary, and License information.

To run the program, double click on the TSCreator file.  It may take a few seconds to initially start up, please be patient.  See our FAQ page for some problems reported by users (especially methods to stop Windows from being smarter than we are).  Please give us feedback!


3. TS-Creator (PDF, 108Mb, July 2019) This package includes an updated manual for TSCreator. The manual is divided into 4 sections. Some sections include folders with example exercises. Each section is independent of the others.

Section1_TSC_Reference_Manual_6May2019.pdf: Explains how TSC works and gives detailed information on how to structure datapacks.

Section2_TSC_Exercises.pdf: Exercises on how to use TSC and how to make datacks.

Section3_TSC_Maker_Manual_6May2019.pdf: Use online system to prepare transect, lithology and curve datapacks. (Note: the resulting datapacks might require TSCreator Pro to display)

Section4_TSC_Crossplot_7May2019.pdf: Explains depth to age conversion with exercises.

Manual front page

4. Basic TimeScale Creator Workshop (zip, 15.7 MB, August 2017)

This package provides several exercises to teach different features of TSCreator, use of datapacks and how to make datapacks with lithology columns and image insertions, pop-up menus etc.

The package includes:
PDF file of instructions, prepared Excel file templates for the exercises, Image files

Workshop front page

5. TSCreator Column format (txt file)

This files gives a quick overview of all the formats for the different columns. For more information see our Manuals.


6. TSCreator patterns_April2012 (PDF, 2 Mb, April 2012) This document shows all the pattern fills available for TSCreator

Patternl front page

7. TSC8.0_InternalDatapack_Contents_GTS2020 10Jan2021.pdf (PDF, 0.5 Mb; Jan 2021) lists the major columns (about 480 in the internal database) with their main references. 


8. Archive of "What's New in TSC":

Whats New in TSCreator Pro 8 - GTS2020 Jan2021.pdf
Whats New in TSCreator Pro 7-3.pdf
Whats New in TSCreator Public 6-8 and 7-0.pdf
Whats New in TSCreator Pro 6-8 and 7-0.pdf
Whats new in Pro 6.3.pdf